Dias, Luciana. Andrade, Rafael. “Fundos de Investimento em Participações: o regime jurídico dos fundos exclusivos e reservados na regulamentação da CVM” [Equity Funds: legal regime of exclusive and reserved funds under CVM regulation] in Hanszmann, Felipe, Hermeto, Lucas. (Org.). Atualidades em direito societário e mercado de capitais: fundos de investimento, vol. V, Lumen Juris, 2021, Rio de Janeiro, p. 447-468.
- Introduction
- Rules applicable to investment funds and equity funds (“FIP”)
2.1. The standard structure of investment funds
2.2. Exclusive funds and reserved funds
2.3. Data on the Brazilian fund industry
2.4. Payment of shares with assets
- Shareholder intervention in portfolio management
3.1. FIP governance
3.2. Invested companies governance
3.3. Shareholder influence in portfolio management
3.4. Portfolio manager’s liability for decisions based on shareholder advice
- Conclusion
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