Voting rights and conflicts of interest in Brazilian corporate law
Dias, Luciana. “Voto en conflicto de intereses en la legislación societaria brasileña” [Voting rights and conflicts of interest under Brazilian corporate law]. Boletines IGCLA - Gestión de los conflictos de Interés: Un aspecto central en el gobierno corporativo, No. 4, November 2021, p. 10-12.
Synthetic Prime Brokerage and the limits of application of CVM Rule No. 530/2012 to intermediaries
Dias, Luciana. “Synthetic Prime Brokerage e os limites da aplicação da Instrução CVM n° 530/2012 aos intermediários” [Synthetic Prime Brokerage and the limits of application of CVM Rule No. 530/2012 to intermediaries]. Revista de Direito das Sociedades e dos Valores Mobiliários: Edição Comemorativa dos 45 Anos das Leis nº 6.385 e 6.404, vol. 1, December 2021, p. 357-391.
Public Offering Oversight in the Risk-Based Supervision Biennial Plan of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission
Dias, Luciana. “A fiscalização das ofertas públicas no Plano Bienal de SBR” [Public Offering Oversight in the Risk-Based Supervision Biennial Plan of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission]. Revista Capital Aberto, May 2021.
Intermediary Oversight under the Risk-Based Supervision Biennial Plan of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission
Dias, Luciana. “A fiscalização dos intermediários no Plano Bienal de SBR” [Intermediary Oversight under the Risk-Based Supervision Biennial Plan of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission]. Revista Capital Aberto, May 2021.
Investment fund oversight under the Risk-Based Supervision Biennial Plan of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission
Dias, Luciana. “Fiscalização dos fundos de investimento no Plano Bienal de SBR da CVM” [Investment fund oversight under the Risk-Based Supervision Biennial Plan of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission]. Revista Capital Aberto, April 2021.
The new Risk-Based Supervision Biennial Plan
Dias, Luciana. “O novo Plano Bienal de Supervisão Baseada em Risco” [The new Risk-Based Supervision Biennial Plan]. Revista Capital Aberto, March 2021.