Biennial Plan of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission: material information and related party transactions
Dias, Luciana. “Plano Bienal da CVM: informações relevantes e transações com partes relacionadas” [Biennial Plan of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission: material information and related party transactions]. Revista Capital Aberto, April 2021.
Equity Funds: legal regime of exclusive and reserved funds under CVM regulation
Dias, Luciana. Andrade, Rafael. “Fundos de Investimento em Participações: o regime jurídico dos fundos exclusivos e reservados na regulamentação da CVM” [Equity Funds: legal regime of exclusive and reserved funds under CVM regulation] in Hanszmann, Felipe, Hermeto, Lucas. (Org.). Atualidades em direito societário e mercado de capitais: fundos de investimento, vol. V, Lumen Juris, 2021, Rio de Janeiro, p. 447-468.
The new Capital Market, the Consumer Protection Code and the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice
DIAS, L. “O novo Mercado de Capitais, o Código de Defesa do Consumidor e o STJ” [The new Capital Market, the Consumer Protection Code and the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice]. Revista Advocacia Hj., No. 5, December 2020, p. 39-43.
Beyond the (nearly) obsession with the legal nature: current discussions on the legal regime of investment funds
Andrade, Rafael. “Além da (quase) obsessão pela natureza jurídica: discussões atuais sobre o regime jurídico dos fundos de investimento” [Beyond the (nearly) obsession with the legal nature: current discussions on the legal regime of investment funds]. Revista de Direito Bancário e do Mercado de Capitais, vol. 88, June 2020, p. 179-204.
Quiet period and book building on the radar of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission
Dias, Luciana. “Período de silêncio e Bookbuilding no radar da CVM” [Quiet period and book building on the radar of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission]. Revista Capital Aberto, May 2019.
Suitability, simplified registration processes, and use of robots to be overseen more closely
Dias, Luciana. “Suitability, Cadastro Simplificado e uso de robôs serão fiscalizados com maior intensidade” [Suitability, simplified registration processes, and use of robots to be overseen more closely]. Revista Capital Aberto, April 2019.